Empowered Flower Girl to host EmPOWERing Conversations in honor of Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month. During this time, the nation honors and celebrates the achievements and contributions of women to our society as well as brings awareness to disparities and challenges girls and women face.

Empowered Flower Girl will host “EmPOWERing Conversations: Inspiring Sisterhood” to engage women across generations to discuss the value and benefits of friendships.

Despite what popular media depicts, most girls desire drama-free relationships with one another. But they may lack the courage and confidence to spark the conversations that lead to these fulfilling friendships.

Join us on March 9th and 10th from 6 to 7 p.m. EST when we will have powerful conversations with women and girls about the value and benefits of sisterhood, how we can transform our relationship realities and resources to support girls’ positive development. Empowered Flower Girl’s Rasheda Kamaria Williams will moderate the discussions. Guest speakers include:


  • Alicia McKay, owner/executive director, No Fear Cafe
  • Keisha Montfleury, confidence coach for girls, HandiWork LLC


  • Chantia Thompson, owner/wellbeing coach, Good Vibz Yoga
  • Shaaree McCalpine, owner/mental health therapist, Faith Soars Counseling and Consulting
  • TeQuion Brookins, philanthropist, social entrepreneur and principal consultant, TeQuionBrookins.com

The conversations will be streamed via Zoom and Facebook. Follow Empowered Flower Girl at www.facebook.com/empoweredflowergirl.

She’s EmPOWERed: Ohio social entrepreneur educates girls on how to be beautiful from the inside out

Leah Berdysz is a young woman on a mission. She’s an educator, social entrepreneur, up-and-coming author and girl-power enthusiast.

The founder of Empowered & Poised (E&P), Leah works to empower and educate girls on how to be beautiful from the inside out through discovery of social, mental and physical components.

Her previous work with youth as a physical education teacher, babysitter and party motivator for Rock the House Entertainment prepared her to launch E&P as well as write her upcoming book Conscious Empowerment: A Guide to Helping Girls Build Self-Esteem & Confidence.

“Founding this organization, writing my upcoming book and obtaining my master’s degree in social work were inspired by the struggles I’ve faced with anxiety and body image. I recognized that I was not the only one struggling with self-esteem and confidence,” Leah said. “Therefore, I made it my mission to make a difference in the community and support young girls in their growth and development towards becoming strong and capable women.” 

Girls definitely have a strong and capable role model in Leah. At 25 years old, she has numerous achievements to her name and she’s just getting started. She has advice for aspiring changemakers, social impact heroes and entrepreneurs. 

“Being a girlpreneur or social entrepreneur can be challenging, but it’s SO worth it. Surround yourself with a supportive tribe, and don’t give up when it gets hard. You can do it!” she exclaimed.

Learn more about Empowered & Poised at www.empoweredandpoised.com. Be sure to follow Leah via social media at @empoweredpoised and @itsleahbee.