How to Help Your Teens Make Healthy Choices and Build Resilience

By Laura Pearson

Parenting a teenager can be tricky. Your child is gaining independence and going out into the world on their own. You want to protect them while also giving them the freedom they crave. By teaching your teens how to make healthy choices, you can trust that they’ll stay safe. You also want to give your child the tools they need to nurture resilience, so they can navigate life’s challenges more easily. The below pointers can help you prepare them for the world.

Teach them how to prepare healthy meals

Good nutrition is important for growing teens. Get your child invested in their own health by learning how to make healthy meals together. BBC Good Food has a roundup of recipes specifically for teen chefs that are delicious and easy to prepare. Since teens love to snack, make sure there are healthy choices available. Instead of chips and soda, for example, encourage them to chow down on nuts, fruit, or smoothies.

Help them find a form of exercise they love

Regular exercise is another essential component of good overall mental and physical health. Encourage your teen to try out different sports, from track to basketball, to see what they enjoy. Simply taking a walk together is another option. If your neighborhood isn’t ideal for walking, check out pedestrian-friendly areas online. You can scope out the “walk score” for various locations. Target areas with a walk score of 70 or more.

Encourage them to find ways to tackle stress

Raising resilient teens requires more than paying attention to their physical health. You also want to consider your child’s mental health. Create a communicative space at home where they can share their feelings. Also, encourage your teen to create their own mental health toolkit for dealing with stress. For example, they might try activities like meditation to build resilience. Finally, if your teen is struggling with mental health, turn to a professional.

Talk to them openly about drugs and alcohol

Many teens experiment with alcohol and drugs as they get older. This can be worrisome for parents. By creating a non-judgmental space to discuss these issues, you can help your child stay safe. Family Lives offers tips for parents who want to talk to kids about substance use. They recommend staying calm, being supportive, and creating a two-way dialogue. Remember, your child’s safety is the number one priority.

Discuss your child’s future education with them

It’s never too early to talk about your child’s educational aspirations. Find out what career paths they’re considering and discuss what educational paths those require. You can also help set a good example by pursuing your own educational dreams. For example, if you want to work with kids, a bachelor’s in education lets you work with elementary-aged and pre-school-aged kids. Online degrees like this one are ideal for busy parents.

Find ways for your teen to connect with the community

A sense of community can go a long way in helping teenagers feel confident and secure as they navigate the world. Look for opportunities for teens to connect with others, from team sports to volunteer activities. Online communities like Empowered Flower Girl can also be a great outlet for teens looking to connect. Teenagers may be more open to talking to other people who aren’t their parents, so it’s important they have their own community

Raising teenagers is full of challenges. As a parent, you can gain peace of mind by giving your kids the tools they need to build resilience and make smart, healthy choices. The above tips can help.

For more resources to help build resilient teens, visit the blog.

Laura Pearson, of Edutude, is passionate about teaching the younger generation. Edutude was built to share resources on how to keep children engaged and in love with learning.