She’s EmPOWERed: Teen Leader’s Story of Perseverance Gives Hope to Others Facing Adversity

In the small town of Dayton, Wash., one teen is emerging as a powerful leader with big achievements and aspirations. 

Meet Wyntr McCauley – a high school senior who survived childhood trauma to become a trailblazer in her school and community. 

Recently gracing the cover of Inspiring Teen magazine and winning a scholarship, Wyntr’s story is a testament to the power of determination and the ability to live above adversity.

Her active involvement in various service initiatives and clubs, including the Associated Student Body, where she serves as president; and Future Farmers of America, where she serves as chapter secretary, showcases her commitment to making a positive impact. 

She has been a dedicated athlete representing Dayton, for many years, embodying the spirit of teamwork and sportsmanship.

And on top of all of that, Wyntr is a National Honor Society member and currently enrolled in three college core classes in her school.

A Model Citizen

Wyntr’s exceptional contributions to her community have earned several accolades. In 2023, the Dayton Chamber of Commerce named her Youth Citizen of the Year! This prestigious award is a reflection of Wyntr’s commitment to service, leadership, and her ability to inspire others.

After graduation this spring, Wyntr plans to attend Montana State University in the fall to study psychology. “I want to be able to help people and mental health has been a passion of mine since I was in middle school. There is a huge demand for psychology and mental health workers nationwide,” she said in the interview for Inspiring Teen magazine.

To learn more about Wyntr, check out the full Inspiring Teen interview